Kids are always special to us and their special days are something that drives us to make it the best day for them. As much as they are excited about their birthday so are we to make it the most entertaining for them. If you are also in the same boat then this article can be of help. This article has the top 5 cakes for boys that can make the birthday special for your little one. You will find plenty of choices to choose from and get the creative liberty to create happiness through these cakes. So, if you wish to know more in detail then keep reading the article. 

There is no doubt that birthdays are special occasions and to kids, it is the best day when they are pampered extra. They look forward to this day of the year and their enthusiasm has no bounds. But they are not the only ones who are excited about their birthdays their family members also wait for this day to make it a memorable one—preparing a party searching for gifts trying to make it their best birthday ever. Another thing with which you can make their birthday special is a cake. Cakes complete the day and it is one of the best things they can receive on their birthday. So, if you are looking for something special for their birthday then you can opt for scrumptious cakes and send cakes to India from USA via online cake delivery in India. Cakes don’t necessarily mean mediocre or average you can also opt for designer cakes for kids which are very famous among kids. With these special cakes, your little buddy will be ecstatic and you will be able to gift him the best birthday cake. When it comes to selecting a cake for a boy you will find distinct designs. But if you are not sure what will be best then here we are with the top 5 cake designs for birthday boys that will make them ecstatic. 

1. Cartoon Character Cake

Top 5 Birthday Cakes for Boys

When you are searching for a cake for your little buddy you have to keep in mind his interests. We are pretty sure he likes cartoon characters and when it comes to boys they are always in love with action heroes like Spiderman, Iron Man, Batman, and many more heroes. So, gifting them a cartoon character cake with their favorite action hero is going to make them ecstatic. This will add to their enthusiasm and be a memorable gift that they will remember forever. You can also opt for any other cartoon character birthday cake design for boys that you think they will love. The primary essence of gifting this cake is to make them feel special on this special day. Buy a cake of their favorite cartoon character and you will be celebrating them in the most unique and fun way.

2. Personalized Cakes  

Top 5 Birthday Cakes for Boys

Personalized gifts are something that we all know of, but personalized cakes are rare. You can send a rare and unique gift to your little buddy on his birthday with a personalized cake. You can add their photo on the photo cakes or maybe the picture of their favorite cartoon character or anything that they would love to see on the cake. It is a wonderful idea to send a birthday cake design for boys a personalized cake and make their birthday party amazing. Select their favorite flavors add a picture and send them the best birthday gift that they can have. If you wish to add a picture of the Birthday boy but at the same time you want to add something more to the image to surprise them. Then what you can do is edit a nice picture of your little buddy along with his favorite cartoon character and surprise him. The best part of sending a personalized cake is that you have all the creativity to the picture that you can add to the cake and personalize. 

3. Rainbow Cakes 

Top 5 Birthday Cakes for Boys

Kids love colorful things and if your little buddy is one of those who gets elated when they see a rainbow then you can bring a rainbow to them. On their special day, you can surprise them with a cake that has all the brightest colors that you wish to color their world with. This will be a pleasant surprise and bring a smile to their face when they cut the cake. These Rainbow cakes are different than other cakes as it doesn’t have all the colors on display of the cakes. The colors are on the layers of the cake which is revealed on cutting. Hence, a beautiful and scrumptious surprise for your little buddy’s birthday. If you want to add something for the visuals of the cake then you can add some macaroons which are very famous among kids. 

4. Candy Cakes

Top 5 Birthday Cakes for Boys

What can be better than gifting them a cake filled with their favorite candies? A cake decorated with jellies, sour bites, and gems don’t you think it is quite a thrilling gift for the candy lover kid? This cake exuberates childhood and fun which is the best gift for the birthday boy. This will celebrate him and his childhood in a fun and unique way. You can choose their favorite flavor of the cake and add all their favorite candy and see how this cake creates a buzz among all the kids. We are certain they will love to have a cake filled with treats and flavors. Hence, by choosing this cake designs for birthday boy as his birthday cake you will be gifting him something that he loves. A fun cake to add fun and laughter on their special day. 

5. Fruit Cakes 

Top 5 Birthday Cakes for Boys

Nothing can beat a fruit cake for a fruit fanatic. If your little champion loves fruits and you also want to give him something healthy yet special, you can send a fruit cake for him. It would not be any ordinary fruit cake but a cake topped with fresh pieces of fruit. Either send them a cake topped with their favorite fruits or maybe the seasonal fruit of the month and make them the happiest. What you can do is opt for a vanilla cake and decorate it with fresh fruits. The mellow flavor of Vanilla melts well with fresh pieces of fruit in the mouth which will be the delicacy of the day. Thus, creating a lovely memory and tender emotions for the little buddy.

With these latest cake designs for birthday boy, there is no way you can’t bring a smile to your buddy’s face. These cake ideas are based on the trends and the demands of the little kids. Now, all you have to do is select a cake that fits well to the interests of your little champ and send it to them as a birthday gift or add to the happiness with it. With the options presented above we are pretty sure you will find the best cake that will be a memorable and fun gift for your little buddy. Add any gift or maybe chocolates for them along with these cakes but with cakes like these, the evening is sure to brighten up with their happiness. 

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